16 Mar 2023
With the shift to flexible working and an increased desire to work from home, we’ve found that many buyers now have a functional home working space high up their wish list when considering their next move.
Not everyone has the luxury of a spare room to transform into an office and if, like many of us, you’ve learned it’s incredibly inconvenient to work from the kitchen table or sofa you’ll know that being able to leave your laptop plugged in, notepads open and close the door on your working space is the way forward.
We’ve noticed a great space-saving solution if you don’t have a dedicated space, and it’s not only good for working from home, but it also proving to be a great space for virtual learning.
Here is how one of our savvy clients transformed their cupboard into a chic and functional working space:
If you're thinking about selling your home this year and are looking for advice on how to maximise the value, one of our team would be delighted to meet you at your home and provide you with expert advice. Sometimes just a lick of paint is required to transform your home and instantly attract potential buyers. Find your nearest branch here.