23 Mar 2016

The top 15 things househunters really want...

The top 15 things househunters really want...


When it comes to buying a new home, it's the simple things which matter the most, according to a new study.

Central heating and double glazing top UK homebuyers’ list of ‘must-have’ property features, perhaps due to the British climate and energy prices.

A good energy efficiency rating and cavity wall insulation are also highly-rated features.

Homebuyers also rank a good, reliable broadband connection and mobile phone signal over highly-rated local schools and properties with period features – which both failed to make the top 20 in a survey of ‘must-have’ property features commissioned by Gocompare.

The list in full

1)Central heating79%
2)Double glazing74%
3)A garden71%
4)Secure doors and windows70%
5)Off road parking58%
6)A bath tub57%
7)Local shops and amenities55%
8)Friendly neighbours54%
9)A good, reliable broadband connection strong enough to stream TV   53%
10)A good energy efficiency rating50%
11)A land line telephone50%
12)A good TV signal49%
13)A separate shower cubicle47%
14)Cavity wall insulation47%
15)At least two toilets45%

Changing attitudes

Bob Fraser, Senior Property Partner at Aberdein Considine, said the survey reflects changing attitudes among buyers.

“This shows the pragmatic approach many people now take to finding a new home,” he said.

“As the cost of living continues to rise, more and more people are putting things like good insulation and heating at the top of their list.

“It is clear from this survey that homes with a good bathroom are attractive to buyers. Connectivity is also becoming increasingly important as smart phones and smart TVs change the way we access entertainment.

“What is surprising is that just 15% rated access to good local schools an essential factor in buying a new home. For many of the clients I deal with, this is still of paramount importance.”

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Aberdein Considine is offers a complete property buying, selling, leasing and mortgage service across Scotland, including the cities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and Stirling.

If you would like to speak to one of our property experts, call 0333 0066 333 or click here.

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